Job Seeker
Job Management
Our job Application Tracking System will help you organize your jobs, Filter your searches and candidates and save templates for ease of use
Application Tracking Feature
Our job Application Tracking Feature will keep you updated on the progress of your applications, saved jobs, and so much more.
Candidate Management
Organize, shortlist, filter and notify candidates of their progress.
Eyeball Feature
Catch your lucky break with a chance to get headhunted with our Eyeballing feature
Eye Ball Candidates
Find the right fit for the right job: Head Hunt candidates from our vast database of individual profiles
Individual Profile
Stand out of the crowd with a chance to display your skills and achievements with our individual profile
Collaborative Hiring
Unlimited users/hiring managers/interviewers for one recruiter package! Collaborating on the platform makes the hiring process simple and fun. This is the best recruitment platform in Sri Lanka.
Live Notifications
Get notified via WhatsApp, email, and system free of charge on application progress, eyeball notifications, and more.
Notify Candidates
Leave no candidate in the dark! Inform candidates of their progress with our customizable templates. You can also provide feedback for entry-level candidates on their resumes/interview-facing skills. Candidates will be informed through WhatsApp/Email/Careers360.
Free Resume Builder
No CV, no problem, update your individual profile and download a free resume at industry standards.
Unlimited Jobs & Unlimited CVs
Unlike other job portals in Sri Lanka products in the market, we don’t charge for the no. of CVs you receive. Partner with the top recruitment website in Sri Lanka and experience recruiter-freedom like no other.
Job alerts
Deliver a compilation of all the latest jobs in Sri Lanka that best fit your profile straight to your inbox with our alert systems.
Bump it up!
Bump up your ads for boosted visibility to increase the chances of getting attention from Job seekers in Sri lanka
Candidate Analytics
See the latest skills and jobs in demand and see how your profile is getting traction in Sri Lankan job market
Manually import/export
Import and export candidates to your hiring pipeline, and download them as an EXCEL report as well.
Career Advice Blog
Stay up to date with information and advice on our Careers360 blog
Connect our widget to your careers pages/websites to automatically post onto our site by integrating a simple snippet of code!
Invite a Friend and Win!
Stand a chance to win points and win some exciting prizes by inviting friends.
Recruiter Analytics
Assess how your brand is propositioned for your potential hires with our Analytics feature.
Courses & Certifications**
Get recommendations on the latest courses and certifications to upskill yourself to secure your dream job!
Interview Scheduling**
Save time by integrating your candidate interviews directly with Careers360
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning**
Identify trends and recommendations for jobs and courses to cruise the tides.
Candidate Verification**
Stay tuned for our upcoming feature that will change the game for verification of candidate information and details
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Identify trends and recommendations for job descriptions, templates with our AI & Machine Learning feature coming to you soon!
Job Management
Our job Application Tracking System will help you organize your jobs, Filter your searches and candidates and save templates for ease of use
Candidate Management
Organize, shortlist, filter and notify candidates of their progress.
Eye Ball Candidates
Find the right fit for the right job: Head Hunt candidates from our vast database of individual profiles
Collaborative Hiring
Unlimited users/hiring managers/interviewers for one recruiter package! Collaborating on the platform makes the hiring process simple and fun. This is the best recruitment platform in Sri Lanka.
Notify Candidates
Leave no candidate in the dark! Inform candidates of their progress with our customizable templates. You can also provide feedback for entry-level candidates on their resumes/interview-facing skills. Candidates will be informed through WhatsApp/Email/Careers360.
Unlimited Jobs & Unlimited CVs
Unlike other job portals in Sri Lanka products in the market, we don’t charge for the no. of CVs you receive. Partner with the top recruitment website in Sri Lanka and experience recruiter-freedom like no other.
Bump it up!
Bump up your ads for boosted visibility to increase the chances of getting attention from Job seekers in Sri lanka
Manually import/export
Import and export candidates to your hiring pipeline, and download them as an EXCEL report as well.
Connect our widget to your careers pages/websites to automatically post onto our site by integrating a simple snippet of code!
Recruiter Analytics
Assess how your brand is propositioned for your potential hires with our Analytics feature.
Interview Scheduling**
Save time by integrating your candidate interviews directly with Careers360
Candidate Verification**
Stay tuned for our upcoming feature that will change the game for verification of candidate information and details
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Identify trends and recommendations for job descriptions, templates with our AI & Machine Learning feature coming to you soon!
Job Seeker
Application Tracking Feature
Our job Application Tracking Feature will keep you updated on the progress of your applications, saved jobs, and so much more.
Eyeball Feature
Catch your lucky break with a chance to get headhunted with our Eyeballing feature
Individual Profile
Stand out of the crowd with a chance to display your skills and achievements with our individual profile
Live Notifications
Get notified via WhatsApp, email, and system free of charge on application progress, eyeball notifications, and more.
Free Resume Builder
No CV, no problem, update your individual profile and download a free resume at industry standards.
Job alerts
Deliver a compilation of all the latest jobs in Sri Lanka that best fit your profile straight to your inbox with our alert systems.
Candidate Analytics
See the latest skills and jobs in demand and see how your profile is getting traction in Sri Lankan job market
Career Advice Blog
Stay up to date with information and advice on our Careers360 blog
Invite a Friend and Win!
Stand a chance to win points and win some exciting prizes by inviting friends.
Courses & Certifications**
Get recommendations on the latest courses and certifications to upskill yourself to secure your dream job!
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning**
Identify trends and recommendations for jobs and courses to cruise the tides.

** Coming Soon